The Different Kinds Of Grasses

You may think that the kind of grass your lawn has is what everyone might have. While that can be true locally, there are so many varieties of grasses across the country and across states. So let's explore what kinds of grasses there are and the conditions they like.
To schedule lawn care services for your home, be sure to contact the professionals at Razor Sharp Lawn Care today.
Northern Grasses
Grasses in the northern states tend to be of the following varieties: tall fescue, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, or perennial ryegrass. Both bluegrass and ryegrass are popular for most homeowners as well as parks. The reason for this is because of their capability to withstand large amounts of traffic and heavy use. It will have a harder time withering or thinning.
When it comes to fescue grass, this variety seems to work very well when it lives in shaded areas. If you have a lot of shade on your property, this grass will do nicely for you as it won't need as much sun as other varieties out there.
Middle Grasses
These grasses are found in between the northern and southern zones of the country. The most common types of these are Zoysia grass and Bermuda grass. Zoysia is a grass that tends to thrive when exposed to full sun. For this reason, it is a popular grass choice for resorts and golf courses.
Southern Grasses
Since the south sees a lot of exposure to the sun and heat, the kinds of grasses that live here tend to thrive. Types of grasses you can find in southern climates include St. Augustine grass and Centipede grass. Each of these is able to withstand extreme heat and can survive periods of drought. A grass-like Centipede grass is low-maintenance and is a very popular grass type for southern homeowners for this reason.
At Razor Sharp Lawn Care, we take special pride in the work that we do for the residents of Bridgewater. We offer a wide range of lawn care services that will help any kind of grass that you have to thrive on your property. We offer services such as lawn mowing, weed control, and more!
Contact our team today to learn more about what kind of grass you have and which lawn care service you need to make it look its best all year long.

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